Skitour - St. Anton - Hochkar - 2836m


The Skitour on the Hochkar is a Tour with a short acent and a long descent. A perfect Skitour for Freeriders.


St. Anton - Rendlbahn - Riffelbahn I - Riffelbahn II



Ascent: From the mountain station Riffelbahn 2 go to the right side towards the north face of the Hinteren Rendl . Cross underneath the first rocks over a flat part to the right side. Now it’s time to put the skins on, cross the first steep scarp over to the left side. Go a bit further across a flat part, turn to the left at first, then start to cross to the right side over the whole slope. After another kickturn to the left you are just a stone's throw away from the saddle. Cross the back of the saddle over easy terrain until you reach the ski storage place. The Hochkar summit is rather exposed but really easy to reach by foot and offers a beautiful view over the Hohen Riffler and the Malfontal.


The best and most beautiful descent is down the northern slope. From the ski storage place ski in north-easterly direction aprox. 300 metres, until you reach the lakeside. Now turn right and in a few steps you'll get to the shoulder. The entry to the slope is very steep, therefore it is only recommendable for professional skiers and on days with safe snow conditions. Enter the first bits of the slope and start to descend in a straight line until you get to the tree line. Right under this line you will get to the Forstweg (Weg; german word for path). Follow this path to the left (it is possible to take a shortcut through the forest) until you get to the main road at St. Jakobs, close to a M-Preis supermarket. Here you will find the bus stop.


St. Jakob near the M-Preis - here is also a Busstop


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